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Client Testimonial: Framatome's Transformative Journey with Neocase

Written by Garance Marie | May 31, 2024 1:06:01 PM

This blog post is based on the testimonial of Dominique Giljean, HR Operational Excellence, Digital Transformation & HRIS Director, during the User Day 2023, a French-speaking event organized by Neocase for its clients.

Client Testimonial: Framatome's Transformative Journey with Neocase

In 2020, Framatome, a leader in the nuclear industry, embarked on a significant transformation of its HR processes to meet the growing demands for recruitment and talent management. With the resurgence of the nuclear sector, the company needed to hire 1,600 permanent employees and 400 interns annually. Dominique Giljean, newly appointed HRIS Director, took the helm of this ambitious project and embarked on a tour of Framatome's 17 sites. ➡️His goal: to standardize and optimize HR processes while integrating innovative digital solutions.

Discover how Framatome succeeded in this transformation with Neocase, improving efficiency, compliance, and user experience, and winning the 2023 Digital HR Team Trophy.


💡Discover in this article :

  1. Identifying the Challenges

  2. Launching the Digital Transformation

  3. Framatome's Onboarding Process

  4. Key Benefits of the Neocase Solution

  5. Success Factors

  6. Recognition and Future Deployments

  7. Learn more

Identifying the Challenges

During his tour of Framatome's 17 sites, Dominique Giljean quickly realized that each operated autonomously, with varied hiring processes and employment contracts tailored to local preferences. Each site considered itself unique, justifying its own methods, which made the standardization and optimization of HR processes crucial.

As he began planning the necessary improvements, the Covid-19 pandemic struck, imposing new constraints. Framatome had to urgently adapt its working methods, such as office rotations and employment contracts signed and sent by registered mail. Dominique understood that a deep and sustainable rethink of working methods was essential.

Launching the Digital Transformation

It was the ideal moment to initiate an ambitious change management process. Three major projects were identified to transform Framatome's HR processes:

Standardization and Alignment of Processes and Documents:

    1. Dominique Giljean and his team spent 12 months unifying processes (permanent contracts, fixed-term contracts, executives, non-executives) and associated documents.
    2. Rigorous work justified the expected return on investment (ROI) of implementing a digital solution, with an ROI exceeding 5.

Choosing a Digital Tool

    1. After careful evaluation, Talentsoft and Neocase were selected to integrate the HR processes seamlessly.
    2. The goal was to link the recruitment module of their HCM solution to the Neocase portal.

Deploying Neocase:

    1. Improving user experience and fully integrating Neocase into Framatome's HRIS ecosystem.
➡️ Read Neocase's Customer Success Story and learn more about the context and results of Framatome's project with Neocase.

Framatome's Onboarding Process

In 2020, onboarding was a relatively new concept in France. Framatome had to adopt an operational excellence approach to define the start and end points of the onboarding process. After extensive but crucial work, Framatome decided to activate the hiring process as soon as the candidate accepted the job offer over the phone. The process then followed four key steps:

  1. Administrative Hiring: Opening the HR portal for new employees to upload or submit important documents directly via Neocase, simplifying administrative procedures.
  2. Preparation for Arrival: Automatic notifications to stakeholders to ensure everything is ready for the first day, avoiding any unpleasant surprises (e.g., un-informed teams, missing equipment or access).
  3. Preboarding: Acculturating new hires through access to documentation and e-learning before their first day, reassuring future employees and reducing no-shows.
  4. Arrival Day and Follow-Up: Integration process, monitoring e-learning and training, with the process ending after the probation period.

Thanks to Neocase, Framatome automated sending notifications and end-of-probation period forms, improving the rigor and efficiency of HR processes.

Key Benefits of the Neocase Solution

The advantages of this digital transformation were numerous:

  • Improved Data Quality: More accurate and consistent data entry.
  • Scalable Tool: Standardized integration on a large scale, managing up to 150 new hires per month.
  • GDPR Compliance: Secure access to data according to user needs.
  • Standardized Documents: Centralization of legal documents (job offers, employment contracts).
  • Time Savings: Confirmed ROI exceeding 5, thanks to process optimization.
  • Maintained Candidate Engagement: Reduced no-shows by engaging candidates before their arrival.


"In 3 words, Neocase is: connectivity, reactivity and CAN DO ATTITUDE. We had very specific needs and Neocase was able to pose the subject and propose several solutions."
Dominique Giljean, HR Operational Excellence, Digital Transformation & HRIS Director, Framatome

Success Factors

The success of this project was based on several key elements:

  • Sponsorship: Unwavering support from the executive committee and the Group HR Director.
  • Preliminary Standardization: Lean approach over 12 months before launching the digital project.
  • Competent Project Team: Expertise in HRIS technology.
  • Gradual Deployment: Pilot site before extending to all 17 sites.
  • Continuous Improvements: Ongoing adaptations to meet user needs.

Recognition and Future Deployments

This bold transformation earned Framatome the 2023 Digital HR Team Trophy from Groupe RH&M for its "Collaborative X-Boarding" solution, integrating Neocase with Cegid-Talentsoft and Docusign. This success was notably due to Framatome's ability to provide access to e-learning environments even before the HR identifier was managed in the systems.

Current and future deployments with Neocase include:

  • Onboarding for Interns and Apprentices: Integrating schools into the process.
  • Offboarding: Managing departures to optimize performance and security and generate positive recommendations.
  • Cultural Onboarding for External Growth: Integrating cultural onboarding in the context of mergers and acquisitions to maintain Framatome's unity and identity.

Through this digital transformation, Framatome not only harmonized its HR processes but also enhanced the engagement and satisfaction of its new employees. This project, a testament to innovation and resilience, positions Framatome as a model of operational excellence in human resource management.