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HR Shared Services – Technology with a Human (Resources) Touch

Written by volive | Dec 8, 2015 2:53:20 PM

Technology continues to touch our lives more frequently and in more ways than ever before. As we adopt and leverage digital devices further into our daily routines, it is important that we also maintain the social relationships with those around us. Some technologies are designed to enhance contact and cooperation with others – by helping to facilitate communication and teamwork – like HR Shared Services solutions.

There are, of course, both advantages and disadvantages to technology in general, and smartphones (and other mobile devices) in particular, in society. “The impact of technological improvements on communication, in particular, has been extensive and largely positive, helping people keep in touch with each other more effectively and efficiently. However, you need only look at the nearest gaggle of teenagers glued to their cell phones to realize that there are also plenty of downsides from technology’s impact on communication,” (From

The proliferation of mobile devices has created some interesting hurdles for human socialization; the lost art of conversation, deteriorating language, growing rudeness and constant disruption among them. However, these devices may also be utilized to access communications and content at any time from almost anywhere – helping keep in touch with friends and family on the social side – as well as facilitating virtual work spaces and greater productivity in our careers. And, in the case of human resources, technology automates the processing of forms, policies and procedures while streamlining our access to company information that we want and need…

Integration Cloud-based HR Shared Services systems ensure that accurate up-to-date information is at the fingertips of a firm’s employees – accessed through each individual’s personal portal. These displays are uniquely configured to deliver information tailored directly to the person logged in – based upon both their personal profile, as well as their role within the organization. The integration cloud also ensures that data from any third-party sources – such as SharePoint for instance – is seamlessly accessible as well.

So, while ‘technology’ and ‘human touch’ may seem to be at odds with one another; like most things in life it all comes down to balance. Our mobile devices can be a great asset – saving us time and boosting productivity – so that we may spend more of our time with the people we care about; or they can become a major distraction. It’s all in the handling…