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Keeping up with the times – without walking into Traffic…

Written by Jim Watson | Mar 22, 2016 2:23:27 PM

Image from ‘Study: Texting while walking may pose health risk’

In the digital age, information is around us all the time. We are bombarded with data through our smartphones, tablets and computers on an ongoing basis. The keys are to sort through what is pertinent to us – and to do it safely. One of the things that has begun to happen with the advent of cellular phones in general and texting in particular, is that people are more distracted than ever while walking and driving – with unfortunate consequences…

Accessing a company’s HR news, events, benefits information and more via an HR Shared Services Self-service portal is a boon to the career and ongoing productivity and morale of employees. "Employees, Managers and HR Business partners have access to the capabilities and information that makes each of them self-sufficient and productive. The Portal can be accessed from anywhere, at any time from virtually any device including tablets and smartphones. The personalization, configurability and accessibility of the Portal make it a practical and convenient tool for everyone involved."

But keep in mind that ‘anywhere accessibility’ may need to be curbed while in public. An ABC News story titled ‘Distracted Walking: How 'Petextrians' Are Endangering Our Streets’ quotes a government report that highlights an unsettling trend. After decades of decline, pedestrian fatalities are once again on the rise. And "petextrians" -- people who text while walking -- may be partly to blame, according to the report.

Geoffrey A. Fowler's article in the Wall Street Journal 'Texting While Walking Isn’t Funny Anymore' asks, “As pedestrian injuries rise, what responsibility do tech companies have to address our addiction?” He goes on say, “Mobile phones make us think we can multitask, but there’s now proof that they impair us, even when we’re not behind the wheel. Using a phone changes the way we walk—either by slowing us down, or veering us way off course.

Though personal willpower plays the biggest role, I’m not holding my breath that many people will keep their cell phones stashed when they hit the sidewalk. However, we need to teach people that putting down their phones when crossing the street belongs right up there with looking both ways.”

So enjoy the benefits of mobile access for both pleasure via the Internet, and work via HR Shared Services – just be sure to do so while taking a look around once in a while…