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Shared Services Make for Good Habits

Ever notice how things that we can’t live without today weren’t even on our radar just a few years ago?

Helping HR Welcome New Hires into the Organization…

Many people happily engage in the same jobs for years – enjoying the stability and longevity inherent in their cozy realm; while others seem to[...]

Are We There Yet? Creating a Work Environment Where People Want to Stay…

We all know the popular phrase, ‘Are we there yet?’ usually attributed to kids in the back seat of the car who can’t wait to reach the destination[...]

Are We Having Fun Yet? Finding Your Work-Life Balance…

“Are we having fun yet?” is the most famous quote by bizarre, non-sequitur-spouting comic strip character Zippy the Pinhead.

HR & All That Jazz…

Evolution of Jazz and the Workforce – Facilitating Change & Opening Doors…

HR Perspectives…a Study in Character(s)

In art, perspective is the illusion of three dimensions on a two-dimensional surface. In life, it is the way of regarding things in either attitude[...]

Where there’s Smoke – there’s “Fire’…

Smoldering Personnel Problems can Lead to ‘Fire’…Just ask the Innovative HR Executives at Netflix

HR Shared Services – a Fresh Approach for a Better Workplace

Through such things as art, cuisine, literature and travel – we’re constantly reinventing ourselves – looking for new experiences and ways to enrich[...]

Which Office Superhero are You? (Take the quiz…)

The Dark Knight & Other Personalities at Work…

The Roller Coaster of a Career – Leveraging Resources to Assist You in Your Journey

Enjoying Both the Ups and Downs – Communication, Preparation & Elation

HR Events – Trade Shows, Conferences & Seminars, Oh, My!

The World of Trade Shows has changed over the past few years – but options abound in the HR Sector

When interviewing – ask “What do you enjoy doing in your free time?”

We’ve all been there at some point, probably on both sides of the table, being the interviewer or the interviewee.

Communication & Engagement – It’s a Two-way Street

We’ve written many times about how important it is for HR to have the ‘vehicles’ in place to encourage employee engagement in a company.

Harnessing the Power of Predictive Recruiting Analytics for HR

Human resources professionals are always looking to the next competitive advantage to give them a head start on staffing trends and technologies –[...]

Looking Ahead to Get Back

HR Employs the Latest Technology for a more Personal Touch