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Nurture Your Organization to Ensure Growth

In much the same way that flora and fauna need to be cared for – so too do the human resources of an organization need to be nurtured properly to[...]

Great Performances Start on the Right Note…

There are a wide variety of human resources applications available – many of which may be compared to a string quartet.

Human Resources Fun Facts & Serious Statistics

As the digital age evolves and use of the Internet and online data grows exponentially; organizations continue to mine this information to assist in[...]

Productivity & Fun in the Workplace

Enhancing Creativity, Reducing Stress & Increasing Efficiency

Better Service – Better Experience with Neocase HR

An HR Shared Services Solution is all about providing efficient and effective human resources services across the organization.

Putting the ‘Shared’ in Shared Services – for Usability Sake…

Neocase Demonstrates Shared Services Solutions On the Road – Come Out & Share with Us…

Baseball versus Cricket – Playing Well in the International Market

As our world continues to ‘shrink’ and we are exposed to differing cultural and societal influences from around the globe, companies that market to a[...]

Neocase HR – Driven to Succeed

Enhancing Your Career Journey with Neocase’s Human Resources ‘Vehicles’

Human Resources are People Too

Establishing a Productive Relationship with HR

Making HR & the Workplace More Engaging & Enjoyable

HR Shared Services, while a serious piece of tactical and strategic planning for firms – also provides key components for employee engagement,[...]

Employee Document Management – Taming the Paper Tiger for HR & the Company at Large

As anyone who’s ever been hired by a company knows, managing human resources is a document-intensive process.

Let’s Get Personal – HR Shared Services Portals

When you walk into a restaurant you frequent, and the host and wait staff greet you by name – that’s It.

Happy (almost) Anniversary – a Look Back

As we work into our 15th year since our founding in 2001 – it’s incredible how much has changed in a short period of time.

TripAdvisor. OpenTable. Human Resources Portal?

What if Online Human Resources Displays were Fun & Informative too?

The KISS Principle Approach to HR – An Intuitive Interface

The KISS Principle, or Keep It Simple Stupid, has become a widely recognized design doctrine that builds upon two fundamental foundations; that[...]