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Jim Watson

Jim Watson
Jim Watson is a Sr. Solution Consultant for HR Service Delivery at Neocase Software, and has been helping clients improve their Employee Experience, HR Productivity and Service Center Efficiency for over 10 years. He lives on the coast of Maine where he enjoys reading, writing and rowing which inspire his pursuit of the Perfect Service Experience!

Recent Posts

How do High-performing HR Service Centers increase Tier Zero Resolution?

3 out of 5 people don’t respond to surveys. Here’s what the 2 who do know…

If your job involves evaluating, buying or using HR Technology, Sierra Cedar would love to hear from you. In fact, your industry would love to hear[...]

5 Ways to Reduce your Customers' Pain of Waiting

If there's one thing I can't stand, it's waiting. When I'm forced to wait, I feel like someone is stealing a part of my life that I'll never get[...]

Looking to Boost Employee Engagement? Try this...

The Center for WorkLife at the University of California Hastings College of the Law recently conducted a study titled "Stable Scheduling increases[...]

A Less Painful Approach to Building an HR Knowledge base

So, you’ve decided to stand up an HR Service Delivery solution with case management, HR knowledge base and a self-service portal. But there’s one[...]

Annoyed designer gesturing in front of her laptop in her office
What's a "Frictionless Workplace Experience?"

6 Keys to Effective Employee Satisfaction Surveys

Before an employee can be engaged, they need to be satisfied with the core aspects of their job; satisfied enough to want to remain in the job.[...]

10 Easy Ways to Build Emotion into the Employee Experience

Last week's post focused on the three elements of an exceptional employee experience: It needs to be effective, easy and emotional. "Effective and[...]

Use the 3-E Framework to Improve the Employee Experience.

AI is cool, but EI is still critical for top-performing HR service centers.

There’s a lot of hype these days around Artificial Intelligence (AI). In an October 2017 interview with Knowledge@Wharton, Apoorv Saxena, lead[...]

Making New Employees Feel Right at Home

HR Shared Services Help New Hires get to know their Company Quickly & Feel at Ease

Are You Making any of these 3 Common Mistakes Using Data?

According to an IDC study, the amount of global data is likely to increase ten times to 163 zettabytes by 2025. That’s a lot of data. And it’s good[...]

Use Agent Journey Mapping to Improve the Employee Experience.

Customer journey mapping is a widely-accepted practice for improving the Customer Experience. Journey mapping can also be used to improve the[...]

Can an Employee Portal be Effective if it's not Mobile?

3 Ways to Get More Value From Your Cloud Software