Service delivery news

Artificial Intelligence and HR Application: How Neocase Combines Innovation and Caution
Artificial Intelligence and HR Application: How Neocase Combines Innovation and Caution

Artificial intelligence (AI) is a groundbreaking innovation that's changing the game. You've probably noticed AI's impact: it's transforming society[...]

AXA Partners' HR Digital Transformation with Neocase: Challenges, Solutions, and Progress
AXA Partners' HR Digital Transformation with Neocase: Challenges, Solutions, and Progress

Shaping Tomorrow's Workforce: Unleashing HR Innovation in the European Industrial Sector
Shaping Tomorrow's Workforce: Unleashing HR Innovation in the European Industrial Sector

In the ever-evolving European industrial landscape, the challenges faced by companies in sectors such as nuclear, hydrogen, and energy transition are[...]

Empowering People Operations: Fosway's Insights on AI Transformation with
Empowering People Operations: Fosway's Insights on AI Transformation with

In the ever-evolving landscape of People Operations, the challenges imposed by economic uncertainties have become more pronounced than ever. The[...]

Optimizing Multichannel Management of Employee Requests: From Puzzle to Cornerstone
Optimizing Multichannel Management of Employee Requests: From Puzzle to Cornerstone

Inherited from customer relationship marketing techniques, multichannel management of HR requests poses a puzzle for any business, regardless of size[...]

Unleashing the Power of Natural Language Search in Human Resources
Unleashing the Power of Natural Language Search in Human Resources

A Game-Changer for Employee Experience In the fast-paced world of today, with AI changing the game, innovations continue to redefine the way we[...]

Revolutionizing HR Request Management: Neocase's Generative AI Unveiled
Revolutionizing HR Request Management: Neocase's Generative AI Unveiled

In the fast-paced world of Human Resources, managing requests efficiently is paramount for both employees and HR teams. Dive into Neocase's[...]

Unlocking HR Service Delivery Excellence with Neocase's AI-Powered Innovations
Unlocking HR Service Delivery Excellence with Neocase's AI-Powered Innovations

Artificial Intelligence (AI) technologies are reshaping the landscape of HR Service Delivery, offering unparalleled opportunities for personalizing[...]

Unveiling AI Integration in HR
Unveiling AI Integration in HR: Neocase Software Adopts Microsoft Azure OpenAI Service for HR Advancements

Navigating the intricate landscape of HR Service Delivery solutions is no small feat, and it's a decision that can significantly impact[...]

HR Knowledge Base & AI: Disruption Unleashed!
HR Knowledge Base & AI: Disruption Unleashed!

Adding an AI-powered HR knowledge base can transform your operations. Boost efficiency, cut administrative work, provide quick help to employees, and[...]

 Neocase: Dual High-Performer in G2 Reviews for Winter 2023 and Fall 2022
Neocase: Dual High-Performer in G2 Reviews for Winter 2023 and Fall 2022

Neocase, the forefront HR Service Delivery solution catering to mid-size companies and large organizations, proudly announces its dual recognition as[...]

The 2023 Fosway 9-Grid™ for Cloud HR: Neocase achieves "Core Leader" status.
The 2023 Fosway 9-Grid™ for Cloud HR: Neocase achieves "Core Leader" status.

Already named Core Leader by the 2022 Fosway 9-Grid™ for Cloud HR, Neocase maintains its status in the category this year with an increasing[...]

Meet Neocase at Unleash World 2023 in Paris on October 17&18
Meet Neocase at Unleash World 2023 in Paris on October 17&18

Neocase to take part in Europe's most influential HR event, Unleash World 2023 in Paris!

Optimising HR Operations and Elevating Employee Experience through Accelerated HR Service Delivery
Optimising HR Operations and Elevating Employee Experience through Accelerated HR Service Delivery

Fosway research shows that 60% of European organisations recognise the importance of HR Service Delivery in disrupting and streamlining their HR[...]

Neocase launches new features powered by Microsoft Azure OpenAI

Paris – July 26, 2023 – Neocase Software, a leading provider of HR Service Delivery solutions, is proud to announce the launch of new features built[...]