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case management

When is a Case Form like a Chameleon?

Question: When is a case form like a chameleon? Answer: When its appearance changes to fit the process its managing. Different HR Processes require[...]

9 Key Features in an HR Case Management System

Marshall McLuhan once said, “We become what we behold. We shape our tools, and thereafter our tools shape us.” While the great intellectual may not[...]

The Big Lie about Multi-tasking

Some people say they can get more done when they multi-task. But the truth is, they can’t. claims in 12 Reasons to Stop Multitasking Now![...]

How colors can make you more productive

I started driving in 1978 after my second attempt at the New York State driver’s exam. Nobody passes on their first attempt – you can look it up.[...]

Happy Customers with Automated Case Management via HR Service Delivery

Doing more with less; frequently that’s the case today in many companies as competition increases and profits are squeezed – so infrastructure and[...]

Collaborative Case Management – The Right Resource for Rapid Resolution

A great many people over the course of their careers have had cause to speak with human resources about issues and challenges with colleagues and[...]

Neocase HR Modules – the Lego’s of HR

Lego’s, the popular toy that gives children the ability to build almost anything their imagination can conjure up, providing an almost universal toy[...]