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hr service delivery posts

Rev Up Your HR with Powerful Shared Services

In much the same way that a car’s computer is the technology behind the scenes, driving an automobile’s power and capabilities; so too is an HR[...]

Automation & Self Service – for Your Car & Your HR

It used to be that we relied on customer service for assistance with goods and services.

Shared Services Make for Good Habits

Ever notice how things that we can’t live without today weren’t even on our radar just a few years ago?

Big Data via Shared Services – Safer in the Cloud

Data integrity, or accuracy, and security have become big issues in the news as of late. We’ve all heard about data breaches into the files of[...]

Don’t Do Boring – Innovative HR Initiatives to Keep Morale High & Stress Low

When marketing and branding agency Pearl, located in Fort Myers, Florida recently relocated to new offices – they received four dedicated parking[...]

In HR as in Architecture – Build upon a Strong Foundation

The backbone of any successful organization is, of course, its people. Finding, hiring and maintaining a workforce made up of talented professionals[...]

HR Shared Services – Technology with a Human (Resources) Touch

Technology continues to touch our lives more frequently and in more ways than ever before. As we adopt and leverage digital devices further into our[...]

Ever Changing Life & HR Demographics…Keep Data Current & Communication Open…

Human resources professionals are seeing quicker societal changes than ever before. As the pace of technological evolution quickens, so too it seems[...]

Communication – from Dots & Dashes to Bits and Bytes to Mobile HR Personalized Portals…

Early telegraphic communication wasn’t introduced until 1792, and it wasn’t until 1837 that the first commercial electrical telegraphs were[...]

HR Shared Services – for Talent Management & Retention

A 2015 survey report from the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD) provides HR professionals and their organizations ‘benchmarking[...]

HR Customer Service – the Necessary Move to Self Service with HR Shared Services

Companies have a wide variety of outlooks in terms of providing customer service. And while improving customer service is an oft-quoted goal of many[...]

The ABC’s of HR Automation – for Employee Engagement & Consistent Communication…

Always be Innovating. Well true for many sectors, keeping up with and harnessing the latest technological developments offered for human resources[...]

Can Shared Services Provide Quality HR Service?

Providing ‘shared services in the cloud,’ or via Cloud Computing, has become the convenient on-demand method for technology companies to development[...]

HR Shared Services are in Fashion – Figuratively & Literally…

While the world seemingly becomes more casually dressed by the day; there are certain industries that follow a stricter dress code – the last[...]

Something’s Brewing in HR…

Ever get asked the question, ‘What’s the first thing you do when you arrive at the office?’ Lots of people say get coffee.