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hr service delivery posts

HR Surveys for the Employee Experience
5 HR Surveys to Gain Insights on Employee Experience

Use Surveys in HR to Gain Insights on Employees 💡 Surveys can help you gauge your employees and make important discoveries on your organization's[...]

Catch the Replay: Get the Most out of Neocase Version 16 (US Version)
Catch the Replay: Get the Most out of Neocase Version 16 (US Version)

Watch now to learn all about the amazing new capabilities of Neocase Version 16! Neocase HR V16 has launched and it's awesome new capabilities are[...]

Try Our Newly Enhanced Advanced Search 🕵🏻‍♂️

We've Metamorphosed our Advanced Search 📈 We are listening to you! We've completely metamorphosed our Back Office Search and added new capabilities.[...]

5 Ways to keep remote employees engaged | Neocase blog
5 Ways to Keep Remote Employees Engaged

Increasing employee engagement is a challenge during normal times. COVID-19 with shelter-in-place policies have many employees working remotely for[...]

5 Unsung Benefits of Digital HR in Professional Services

Professional services employees can have high expectations for HR service delivery. We're talking about architects, engineers, attorneys and business[...]

5 Ways HR in Healthcare can Conquer Complexity

HR Service Management is a challenging business. And each major industry has certain characteristics that exacerbate the challenge. This article[...]

Artificial Intelligence Robot Hand
How will Artificial Intelligence Impact HR Service Centers?

Questions abound about how Artificial Intelligence (AI) will affect the future of work, particularly the need for human employees. For those of us[...]

No Software Product is an Island: The Neocase-Workday Partnership

How do High-performing HR Service Centers increase Tier Zero Resolution?

Annoyed designer gesturing in front of her laptop in her office
What's a "Frictionless Workplace Experience?"

10 Easy Ways to Build Emotion into the Employee Experience

Last week's post focused on the three elements of an exceptional employee experience: It needs to be effective, easy and emotional. "Effective and[...]

Use the 3-E Framework to Improve the Employee Experience.

AI is cool, but EI is still critical for top-performing HR service centers.

There’s a lot of hype these days around Artificial Intelligence (AI). In an October 2017 interview with Knowledge@Wharton, Apoorv Saxena, lead[...]

Are You Making any of these 3 Common Mistakes Using Data?

According to an IDC study, the amount of global data is likely to increase ten times to 163 zettabytes by 2025. That’s a lot of data. And it’s good[...]

3 Ways to Get More Value From Your Cloud Software