Service delivery news

hr service delivery posts

Why the Seat at the Table Still Eludes Some HR Organizations

Every HR organization wants the proverbial seat at the table. Some have secured it, but it continues to elude others. Why is that? It often comes[...]

Should VIP’s have better SLA’s?

Should some employees be treated better than others? Do some deserve a higher level of service than others? Many organizations routinely assign more[...]

4 Types of Analytics and what they mean for HR

Business Analytics is a phrase that can mean a lot of things to a lot of people. This article separates out the topic into four categories, and[...]

Can this simple change to onboarding improve alignment?

Before we talk about onboarding, how about a good, short story? President Kennedy was visiting NASA. During his tour, he walked over to a janitor who[...]

EmployeeEx Design: 3 Dangers of Doing Nothing

There’s no shortage of information about the business value of a well-designed employee experience. Plenty of companies are investing in designing a[...]

Use a Customer Journey Map to improve the Employee Experience.

In a recent blog post “Why so many companies can’t get the employee experience right,” we briefly touched on the concept of the Customer Journey Map.[...]

Which HR processes scare you the most?

Do you know what day it is??? The "H" Words Today is October 31, and in many parts of the world, it’s All Hallows’ Eve, or Halloween for short. In[...]

Why Employee Experience trumps Tier Zero Resolution

Any discussion about employee Self-service Portals is bound to focus on maximizing Tier Zero Resolution and creating a “consumer-grade” employee[...]

Why so many companies can’t get the employee experience right.

Every company wants to deliver a better employee experience. According to Matthew Wride, the employee experience is “The Employee Experience is the[...]

“C” is for Conference and Collaboration

It’s conference season in the world of HR Technology. There was Workday Rising, and HR Tech, and this week it’s IQPC HR Shared Services Summit in[...]

2 Reasons why more HR Service Centers are offering Chat

Tier-zero resolution (TZR, if you’re into acronyms) was, and in many respects still is the Holy Grail of HR Service Delivery. An instance of TZR[...]

Contract Signature
If you've ever used an electronic signature, you know how cool it is.

During the course of employment, employees are frequently required to sign documentation. It begins with the job offer (signing the employment[...]

Hey Vendors, The Show isn't about us!

Day 2 at the HR Tech Expo. The Product Expo at HR Tech reminds me of Times Square in New York. There are vendors everywhere you look; one after the[...]

What are the top 5 product categories at HR Tech this year?

On this the eve of the 2016 HR Technology Conference and Exposition, I thought it would be interesting to see what types of HR technologies will[...]

Documentation and Digitalization - a Problem and Opportunity for HR Service Delivery

Here are four frightening facts about HR documentation: According to PricewaterhouseCoopers, finding a lost document will cost a company $122 on[...]