Service delivery news

hr service delivery posts

Contract Signature
If you've ever used an electronic signature, you know how cool it is.

During the course of employment, employees are frequently required to sign documentation. It begins with the job offer (signing the employment[...]

Hey Vendors, The Show isn't about us!

Day 2 at the HR Tech Expo. The Product Expo at HR Tech reminds me of Times Square in New York. There are vendors everywhere you look; one after the[...]

What are the top 5 product categories at HR Tech this year?

On this the eve of the 2016 HR Technology Conference and Exposition, I thought it would be interesting to see what types of HR technologies will[...]

Documentation and Digitalization - a Problem and Opportunity for HR Service Delivery

Here are four frightening facts about HR documentation: According to PricewaterhouseCoopers, finding a lost document will cost a company $122 on[...]

3 Reasons why you should share your SLA's with your customer

There have been many conversations over the years with service center leaders about their Service Level Agreements (SLA ’a). The specific point in[...]

How well do you market your shared service center?

People do something for one of two reasons: They have to do it, or they want to do it. There's an organization that locks the door to the area where[...]

Which shared service center maturity map is right for you?

"If you don't know where you're going, you might end up someplace else." When baseball Hall of Fame catcher Yogi Berra first offered that sagacious[...]

3 Methods of Triage in the Service Center

A common challenge for service centers is effectively and efficiently assigning inbound requests, so that the requests are closed in a timely manner,[...]

3 Mistakes to Avoid when Implementing Shared Services

The 3 Mistakes described here have been selected from a lengthier catalogue of errors recently published by SSON News: Top 10 Mistakes When[...]

HR Shared Services and The Digital Workplace

When I arrived at the Atlanta airport for a flight to Portland, Maine, I realized I hadn’t checked in and didn’t have my boarding pass. Normally,[...]

2 Keys to Better Results through Business Intelligence

This past weekend, my wife and I drove to a wedding at a resort in the mountains of western Maine. Before we left, I entered the hotel name into the[...]

Shared Services Benefits & Film Noir – Some Things ARE Black & White…

Shared Services have proven to be extremely effective at streamlining business processes. They often begin in a single functional area, and are[...]

As Water Sustains Life – HR Shared Services Help Ensure the Healthy Flow of Information

There are a few basic necessities to sustaining a healthy life – food and water of course being two of these. The same principle can be applied to[...]

HR Shared Services – for Better Recruiting & Hiring Processes

HR Shared Services Solutions have been a boon to the onboarding process for human resources professionals and managers. But what about assisting in[...]

The Big Lie about Multi-tasking

Some people say they can get more done when they multi-task. But the truth is, they can’t. claims in 12 Reasons to Stop Multitasking Now![...]