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knowledge base

3 Steps to a Consumer-grade HR Knowledge base

If HR wants its customers to get excited about the experiences they deliver, they can start by viewing their customers as consumers instead of[...]

Corkscrews, Can Openers and Business Intelligence

When a person picks up a tool, they normally do it accomplish a specific task; to solve a specific problem. If you want to drink a glass of wine, and[...]

How to Write a Knowledge Base Article

The purpose of a knowledge base article is to answer an employee’s question so that HR doesn’t have to. Follow these best practices when drafting[...]

Knowledge Base – It’s all in the Knowing…

“Integrating knowledge management into customer self-service yields tangible and intangible benefits. Customer service leaders and IT leaders[...]

Knowledge Base & Personalization in the Information Age

When you’re online searching, shopping or just plain browsing, have you noticed how many product and service offerings and ads that appear which seem[...]

The Neocase HR Knowledge Base – the “Brains” Behind HR Shared Services

When implementing an HR Shared Services Solution, the information about employees, corporate policies and procedures, as well as myriad HR forms and[...]

Neocase HR Modules – the Lego’s of HR

Lego’s, the popular toy that gives children the ability to build almost anything their imagination can conjure up, providing an almost universal toy[...]