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Automated HR Email Management for Higher Quality, Consistent & Timely Communications

The most popular form of non-business communication today (at least in the UK) is the text message, (preferred more than face-to-face contact[...]

Collaborative Case Management – The Right Resource for Rapid Resolution

A great many people over the course of their careers have had cause to speak with human resources about issues and challenges with colleagues and[...]

Survey Says… Enhance Employee Engagement & Satisfaction with Neocase HR’s Survey Module

We’ve all taken our share of surveys, both before, but especially after – the age of the Internet.

The Neocase HR Knowledge Base – the “Brains” Behind HR Shared Services

When implementing an HR Shared Services Solution, the information about employees, corporate policies and procedures, as well as myriad HR forms and[...]

HR Anywhere You Are – Neocase HR in the Cloud

Cloud computing or “the Cloud” has become the technology du jour – and while still at an early stage – it is very much in demand.

Neocase HR – Integrated, Scalable & Flexible – Oh, My!

Like the employees they assist, human resources solutions are multi-faceted systems designed to aid both the company and its employees – to operate[...]

Optimal HR Processes – Tools & Best Practices – a Primer

Human Resources processes, policies and procedures vary by organization; to implement an optimal solution – a clear plan needs to be thought through[...]

Neocase HR Modules – the Lego’s of HR

Lego’s, the popular toy that gives children the ability to build almost anything their imagination can conjure up, providing an almost universal toy[...]

Personalized HR Portals – Engaging Employees for a Better Work Environment

In New Jersey, there are no self-service petroleum stations as a law passed in 1949 prohibits them; primarily over concerns at the time of the safety[...]

Mapping Tools & Dashboard Displays – Driving HR Forward

High-Performance End-to-End Business Process Management

Human Resources – Tools to Keep Employees (Happy)

There’s an old saying, “people don’t quit their jobs; they quit their bosses.”

Strategic Human Resources – Helping Shape Today’s Businesses

The role of HR today goes way beyond the tactical administrative-based functions of the past.