Service delivery news

Jim Watson

Jim Watson
Jim Watson is a Sr. Solution Consultant for HR Service Delivery at Neocase Software, and has been helping clients improve their Employee Experience, HR Productivity and Service Center Efficiency for over 10 years. He lives on the coast of Maine where he enjoys reading, writing and rowing which inspire his pursuit of the Perfect Service Experience!

Recent Posts

Trends in HR Service Delivery

"The human resource management profession continues to evolve. Originally conceived to handle personnel hiring and payment, the function now aligns[...]

In Real Estate, it’s Location, Location, Location - with HR Service Delivery it’s a 2-way Street…

It seems that most industries have their own language – catch phrases and axioms – by which they operate. One frequently heard in the real estate[...]

Weathering the Highs & Lows in Human Resources

As any HR professional knows – peoples’ moods can change like the weather. Keeping a workforce happy, productive and engaged (not to mention[...]

HR Service Delivery - Helping Navigate the Information & Communication Maze for New Hires

Starting a new job can be an exciting and fulfilling experience, but also a little disconcerting as one navigates the unknowns of a new organization.[...]

Help Establish Communication, Respect & Trust with HR Service Delivery

"One of the most sincere forms of respect is actually listening to what another has to say.” ~Bryant H. McGill It is generally agreed that companies[...]

Human Resources & Employee Engagement – a Matter of Trust

Image courtesy of In most successful relations, the underlying foundation is one built out of mutual trust. It’s hard to maintain ongoing[...]

Impressions – What do People Experience When They Interact with Your Firm?

‘Blue Boats on White Sand’ by Claude Monet "Impressionist art is a style in which the artist captures the image of an object as someone would see it[...]

Happy Employees Make for Happy Customers

Making every effort to ensure that employees’ work environments and their corporate culture are positive experiences can pay huge dividends to a[...]

HR Service Delivery – the Power of the Employee Opinion Survey for Business

A white paper prepared by the Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) expounds upon the value of employee opinion as a tool for strategic[...]

Automating HR Service Delivery to Augment (not replace) Human Resources

As more and more organizations turn to an automated HR Service Delivery platform to assist with the handling of their human resources; companies need[...]

HR Shared Services Delivery – Eco-Friendly & Good for Your Business

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and Going Green are two catch phrases that we seem to hear quite frequently these days. Conservation, recycling[...]

Employee Assurances – Make HR Shared Services Your Shining Star…

The Big Dipper - Image Credit & Copyright: Jerry Lodriguss (Catching the Light) One of the things we’ve come to depend upon are the stars in the[...]

Shared Services – Collaboration for Peace of Mind

Teamwork, one of the watchwords for today’s workforce and company environment, offers many advantages and opportunities - both for employers[...]

New Ways to Improve Wellbeing at Work

As competition continues to increase for talented professionals, there has been a new initiative to address the needs and well-being of an[...]

A Hole-in-One with HR Shared Services

In many endeavors in life, there’s a pinnacle of success to be achieved – as in getting a hole in one in golf. Reaching for and attaining one’s goals[...]