Service delivery news

Knowledge Base & Personalization in the Information Age

When you’re online searching, shopping or just plain browsing, have you noticed how many product and service offerings and ads that appear which seem[...]

HR Service Delivery – Dancing with Technology…

Some say that one of the keys to life is not to walk, and certainly not to trip through it – but to dance. Listen to the beat, get into the groove,[...]

9.12 million reasons why HR organizations smiled in 2015

Human Resource organizations have it tough, because they have to do a lot of stuff. Strategic stuff, like staffing and succession planning,[...]

HR Service Delivery – Let it be Your Teddy Bear…

From the time we’re young, we’re all looking for a sense of security and comfort – at first from home and family. As we get older and start spending[...]

5 Ways Your Employee Self Service Portal can Improve Employee Engagement

I attended a shared service conference this past week, and wrote down a jarring statistic: 360 Billion Dollars of productivity are lost each year,[...]

Full Speed Ahead with Shared Services…

One of the bottle necks in your organization maybe it’s administrative functions in human resources.

Keeping in Mind - Customer Service needn’t be a ‘Horror Show’…

Ah, the old classics of the scary-movie genre – Frankenstein, Dracula, and the Wolf-Man – times were simpler then without digital technology and CGI.

Don’t invent ways for your HR Shared Service Center to improve the employee experience. Here’s why…

For years, organizations have understood the value of delivering a great customer experience. The reasoning is quite simple: Treat customers well at[...]

Is your HR service center meeting its SLA’s?

A client once told me that 20% of the calls to their HR service center were employees inquiring about the status of a recently-submitted case. That’s[...]

Keeping a Sense of Humor at Work (and in Life)

People approach life in a variety of ways – some very seriously – others not. Keeping a sense of humor when working with your colleagues can go a[...]

Keeping Top Talent – Don’t let Your Firm’s Knowledge & Experience Walk out the Door…

Today’s competitive business environment dictates that companies constantly strive to keep their top professionals motivated, challenged and[...]

Cat People vs. Dog People & HR Service Delivery for Both…

One of the main differentiators of personality types seems to be an allegiance to one pet species over another. People are often asked, “Are you a[...]

Customers love simple. So don't over-complicate your satisfaction surveys.

Call me a laggard, but I've never taken an UBER instead of a taxi. But that's about to change... I recently downloaded the UBER app onto my iPhone.[...]

Ac-cent-tchu-ate the Positive – In Life & at Work

You've got to accentuate the positive Eliminate the negative And latch on to the affirmative Don't mess with Mister In-Between Lyrics from[...]

Trends in HR Service Delivery

"The human resource management profession continues to evolve. Originally conceived to handle personnel hiring and payment, the function now aligns[...]