Service delivery news

5 Ways to Reduce your Customers' Pain of Waiting

If there's one thing I can't stand, it's waiting. When I'm forced to wait, I feel like someone is stealing a part of my life that I'll never get[...]

Looking to Boost Employee Engagement? Try this...

The Center for WorkLife at the University of California Hastings College of the Law recently conducted a study titled "Stable Scheduling increases[...]

Neocase™ Becomes a Workday Certified Solution Partner

Neocase Software, a Workday (NYSE: WDAY) software partner, today announced that it has achieved Workday Certified Solution Partner status. Neocase[...]

A Less Painful Approach to Building an HR Knowledge base

So, you’ve decided to stand up an HR Service Delivery solution with case management, HR knowledge base and a self-service portal. But there’s one[...]

Annoyed designer gesturing in front of her laptop in her office
What's a "Frictionless Workplace Experience?"

6 Keys to Effective Employee Satisfaction Surveys

Before an employee can be engaged, they need to be satisfied with the core aspects of their job; satisfied enough to want to remain in the job.[...]

10 Easy Ways to Build Emotion into the Employee Experience

Last week's post focused on the three elements of an exceptional employee experience: It needs to be effective, easy and emotional. "Effective and[...]

Use the 3-E Framework to Improve the Employee Experience.

AI is cool, but EI is still critical for top-performing HR service centers.

There’s a lot of hype these days around Artificial Intelligence (AI). In an October 2017 interview with Knowledge@Wharton, Apoorv Saxena, lead[...]

Making New Employees Feel Right at Home

HR Shared Services Help New Hires get to know their Company Quickly & Feel at Ease

Are You Making any of these 3 Common Mistakes Using Data?

According to an IDC study, the amount of global data is likely to increase ten times to 163 zettabytes by 2025. That’s a lot of data. And it’s good[...]

Use Agent Journey Mapping to Improve the Employee Experience.

Customer journey mapping is a widely-accepted practice for improving the Customer Experience. Journey mapping can also be used to improve the[...]

Can an Employee Portal be Effective if it's not Mobile?

3 Ways to Get More Value From Your Cloud Software

Neocase Software, a Signature Sponsor at Workday Rising Europe, Barcelona, 2017Process Automation.

Paris, France – November 01, 2017 Workday Certified Solution Partner, Neocase Software will showcase their integrated HR Service Delivery solution[...]