Service delivery news

What will HR Shared Services be Like in 10 Years?

On July 15 of this year, CNN reported that the Global X Robotics and Artificial Intelligence ETF (BOTZ) is up 30 percent this year. That’s big,[...]

3 Steps to a Personalized Employee Portal

All employees are not the same. Yet more often than not, HR Portals treat them as though they are. Beyond knowledge base articles, the portal pages[...]

Which Matters Most: Technology, Physical Surroundings or Culture?

These days, every company seems to want to deliver a better employee experience. But the challenge for many is where to begin.

How to Release Software Enhancements so People Use Them

In the Business to Business (B2B) software practice, our goal is to create a product that brings measurable value to our customers. And once that new[...]

How to Forget about Work when you're On Vacation

Ah, yes – it’s vacation season for many countries in the northern hemisphere. That means leaving work behind, and heading for the hills, seashore or[...]

Your Neocase™ Software adds powerful Document Management features to its HR Service Delivery solutionsPost Title Here...

Boston, USA – June 30, 2017 Neocase continues to add greater digital document management capabilities into its products. Recent enhancements include[...]

Neocase™ Software delivers innovative features to further manage business processes

Boston, USA – June 30, 2017 Neocase Software is excited to release key new features to its Business Process Management (BPM) module. According to the[...]

So you've automated your processes. Now what?

According to the 2016-2017 Sierra Cedar HR Systems Survey results, “business process improvement continues to be the number one area in which[...]

What do employees want? Are you delivering?

We’re out at HR Tech World in San Francisco this week. While the show is about technology, it’s more about strategies and tactics for improving the[...]

Neocase™ Software integrates Digiposte, the digital entity of La Poste Group, within its Employee Document Management module

Paris, France – June 08, 2017 Neocase Software now offers its customers the opportunity to integrate with Digiposte – the leading secure employee[...]

5 Reasons to Participate in the Sierra Cedar HR Systems Survey

The Sierra-Cedar 2017–2018 HR Systems Survey is available here until July 1, 2017. If you haven’t already participated, here are five good reasons[...]

Buying Business Software? Include this in your RFP.

How often do you ask a person for something, and they come back with something that is different from what you had in mind? This isn’t a blog post[...]

The Not-so-obvious Benefit of HR Process Automation

According the Chief Executive magazine, consultancy group Future Workplace found that 42% of the 619 US-based HR professionals it surveyed expect[...]

7 Ways Technology is Improving HR Processes

Last week, we talked about the top 5 reasons companies are investing in automating HR Processes. Now let's look at some of the additional ways that[...]

Neocase Software, a proud sponsor of Workday Elevate Maarssen Conference

Amsterdam, Netherlands – May 18, 2017 Neocase Software, a proud sponsor of Workday Elevate Maarssen Conference Join us at Workday Elevate Maarssen[...]