Service delivery news

Corkscrews, Can Openers and Business Intelligence

When a person picks up a tool, they normally do it accomplish a specific task; to solve a specific problem. If you want to drink a glass of wine, and[...]

The Night Before Christmas in the HR Service Center

‘Twas the night before Christmas And all through HR, Not a creature was stirring Except for Mazar.

Why the Seat at the Table Still Eludes Some HR Organizations

Every HR organization wants the proverbial seat at the table. Some have secured it, but it continues to elude others. Why is that? It often comes[...]

Improve your HR Portal with Design Thinking

There’s an article in the September 2015 issue of the Harvard Business Review called “Design Thinking Comes of Age.” In the article, Jon Kolko[...]

How to Write a Knowledge Base Article

The purpose of a knowledge base article is to answer an employee’s question so that HR doesn’t have to. Follow these best practices when drafting[...]

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What Marketing can Teach HR about Engagement

Have you ever wondered what makes companies like Amazon and Netflix so good at engaging their customers online? According to New Uses for Marketing[...]

Should VIP’s have better SLA’s?

Should some employees be treated better than others? Do some deserve a higher level of service than others? Many organizations routinely assign more[...]

4 Types of Analytics and what they mean for HR

Business Analytics is a phrase that can mean a lot of things to a lot of people. This article separates out the topic into four categories, and[...]

Can this simple change to onboarding improve alignment?

Before we talk about onboarding, how about a good, short story? President Kennedy was visiting NASA. During his tour, he walked over to a janitor who[...]

Quick Tips for Building a Smart Knowledge Base

A smart knowledge base is easy to use. The knowledge base is arguably the single most important success factor for an HR Self Service portal. The[...]

EmployeeEx Design: 3 Dangers of Doing Nothing

There’s no shortage of information about the business value of a well-designed employee experience. Plenty of companies are investing in designing a[...]

Use a Customer Journey Map to improve the Employee Experience.

In a recent blog post “Why so many companies can’t get the employee experience right,” we briefly touched on the concept of the Customer Journey Map.[...]

Neocase™ Software at Workday Rising Europe

Paris, France – November 1, 2016 Workday Solution Partner, Neocase Software will showcase Neocase HR – the integrated HR Service Delivery solution[...]

Which HR processes scare you the most?

Do you know what day it is??? The "H" Words Today is October 31, and in many parts of the world, it’s All Hallows’ Eve, or Halloween for short. In[...]

Why Employee Experience trumps Tier Zero Resolution

Any discussion about employee Self-service Portals is bound to focus on maximizing Tier Zero Resolution and creating a “consumer-grade” employee[...]