Deliver a Better Employee Experience With our New Feature: Drag & Drop

Let's take a quick tour of Drag & Drop for Employees and see how it works.

The drag and drop feature makes the interface work enjoyable and easier to use for employees. These days, HR is very focused on the employee experience. With that in mind, Neocase created drag & drop to deliver a better employee experience. With this new functionality, your employees will be able to move their documents from one view to another using a graphical drag and drop gesture.

See how it works!


Less Clicks = More Time! 🔥

We know that you want to deliver a seamless and great experience to your employees. Now you can do so. This is a basic feature but it changes the way people interact with our digital platform - which in fact its yours. 🙌


Available on mobile 📱

This feature is also available when your employees interact with Neocase through their mobile phone. They're not at the office? But they still have a request? They can now simply add a photo to their request!


See related feature:

[New feature] Drag and Drop for Agents

See other amazing features released on Neocase version 16 here:


Can't wait to upgrade? We get it. It's pretty exciting.

Reach out to your Sales Rep or Customer Success Manager to upgrade sooner to Neocase HR version 16!