When implementing an HR Shared Services Solution, the information about employees, corporate policies and procedures, as well as myriad HR forms and reports, are all dependent upon the system’s Knowledge Base module.
Knowledge Base is the repository of this data as well as the key to the automation of the HR service delivery model. Gains in productivity would not be possible for the Shared Services Center without the Knowledge Base’s ability to archive, access, and deliver the information, forms and reports required to manage human resources for today’s fast-paced business environment.
However, Knowledge Base’s integration within an HR Shared Services Center goes far beyond data storage and access – providing dynamic tools for information search and retrieval, powerful reporting and analysis and personalized data delivery for employees, managers and human resources professionals – anytime, anywhere. And, Neocase HR’s Knowledge base also archives information generated via HR communication such as email and live chat into employee records and case management – for greatly improved efficiency – and timely and consistent communication.
Knowledge Base – Above & Beyond
The term “knowledge base” came about to distinguish this form of system from the more common and widely used term “database” which began in the 1970’s. While a knowledge base also stores data (facts, numbers, and rules) as a database does, a knowledge base also employs an inference engine that can reason and use expertise in applying raw data into useful information to help the business. For example, business managers and HR professionals can leverage knowledge base information and analysis to predict current and future HR needs, generate performance reports and highlight areas for improvement.
The Knowledge Base module is a crucial element of an HR Shared Services solution to efficiently deliver human resources functionality. An organization transforming to a Shared Services model realizes tangible results including:
- Lower operating costs and greater efficiency via streamlined HR services
- Improved organizational response through knowledge sharing & automated processes
- Greater employee engagement due to personalized HR data delivery
As HR Shared Services delivery and technology continues to evolve, and more firms employ these solutions, organizations will continue to reap the benefits of these systems – much to the chagrin of their competitors who fail to implement. Firms turn to Shared Services in their ongoing efforts to realize improved quality and consistency of delivered services, effective HR organization and management, cost effective labor savings and streamlined and automated business processes, value and insight. And Neocase HR’s Knowledge Base helps make all this – and more – a reality for today’s business.